Global commitment
Racrisa always at the forefront of the industrial hygiene sector, provides safe, sustainable, effective and high quality chemistry for the professional sector, leading a new sustainable era in chemistry.

Having extensive experience in the chemical industry which is underpinned by a quality management system based on the requirements of the international UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 Standards. With this management system, the following guidelines have been established:

• To opt for innovation within the sector by using state-of-the-art technology and optimising the development and treatment processes for our clients.

• To maintain a commitment to long-term collaboration with our clients, addressing their requests, inquiries and offering effective assistance thereto.

• To fully comply with control regulations. Having the required certifications for the storage, handling, transport and marketing of chemical products.



Racrisa contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing the consumption of natural resources, energy use and waste production, by recycling materials and using the resources at hand effectively.

Responsible and ethical use of resources improves our quality of life and that of the world around us by making it cleaner.


• To assess the risks and opportunities which may affect the compliance of the processes carried out and the services provided.

• To maintain continuous contact with clients, working together to improve our products and services.

• To market products maintaining a reputation for quality with good service and price.

• To establish a close relationship with suppliers which enables the continuous selection of their products and their compliance with quality and service expectations.

• To achieve customer satisfaction through compliance with established requirements and legal regulations.

• Commitment of the personnel to the common objective of providing product and service quality to the client and a search for solutions which meet their interests within the established deadlines and prices.

• To foster the participation of the personnel, focusing their efforts on Planning and Prevention by providing the necessary resources for " Continuous Improvement ".


At Racrisa, we are experts in advanced chemistry at the service of your well-being.